
Homeopathy Treatment for Bell's Palsy in Nepal

Facial paralysis also called as Bell's palsy,which is a condition where one of the sides of the face meets with paralysis. Bell's palsy is a self-resolving condition having partial or complete weakness of the facial muscles. Usually, one side of the face is affected.

The Facial Nerve originating in the brain (in the pons) controls the muscles of the forehead, neck and facial expressions. It is also responsible for the 'perceived sound volume'. Besides, it also stimulates secretions of tears and saliva. The trauma of the Facial nerve in any form causes Bell's palsy.

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The condition affects men and women alike, has no age bar and has no particular affinity for any one side of the face.

One in every 65 people will suffer from Bell's palsy once in their lifetime. It is the most common disorder affecting just one nerve (mononeuropathy) making it most common cause of acute facial paralysis.


Symptoms range in severity from mild weakness to total paralysis. They include:

  • Mild to moderate to severe weakness of facial muscles (one of both sides)
  • Paralysis of facial muscles
  • Difficulty in drinking, chewing, eating and blowing
  • Twitching
  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Giddiness
  • Discomfort or pain in the jaw or behind the ear on the affected side
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Loss of taste
  • Increased sensitivity to noises in the ear of the affected side
  • Symptoms associated with paralysis
  • Drooling of saliva
  • Drooping eyelid or corner of the mouth
  • Dryness of eye or mouth
  • Impaired sense of taste
  • Excess tear formation in one eye.
  • Facial distortion can be quite significant in Bell's palsy.


The exact cause remains unknown. However, some of the following factors could cause or trigger Bell's palsy:

  • Viral infections: Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) is a virus considered causing 70% of all Bell's palsy.
  • Lyme Disease (a bacterial infection transmitted by tick-bites)
  • Trauma or injury to facial nerve


Bell's palsy is a diagnosis of exclusion. All other known causes of facial palsy need to be eliminated before naming the condition as Bell's palsy.
Facial palsies from other causes usually present a number of symptoms not seen in Bell's palsy. They necessarily do not affect the muscles of the forehead. Besides, Bell's palsy will not bring about paralysis, weakness or numbness in other parts of the body


  • Permanent contractures and spasms of the facial muscles
  • Persistent loss of taste sensations
  • Chronic eye (corneal) infections
  • 'Crocodile tear syndrome' in which tears are involuntarily shed while eating


To select homeopathic medicine a proper case investigation needs to be done so that totallity of symptoms comes out on the basis of which similimum can be prescribed.some homeopathic medicine according to symptoms are 

1. ACONITE : Very useful in acute conditions in the very beginning when facial paralysis arises from  sudden cold air exposure.There is numbness or tingling in the face on the affected side.also there is coldness feeling in the face.

2. CAUSTICUM :  Very useful for chronic cases of facial paralysis where the person has a history of cold air exposure.Also useful if it results from complications prior to the paralytic symptoms.

3. IGNATIA : Very useful for bell's paralysis which is arising out of grief. Useful when there is complain of frequent biting inside of cheeks while talking or swallowing.Also useful for excess of saliva in mouth.Also given when symptoms of grief like weeping, brooding and sadness are associated with this problem

4. HYPERICUM : Very useful for facial paralysis following injury.There is tingling, numbness or burning sensation on the affected side of the face.

5. B K KIT